Discover the most magical moments in the glorious nights of Extremadura

Sometimes, almost always, nature offers the perfect setting to create lasting memories through fantastic adventures and experiences. And when you find yourselves under our stunning night skies, these memories are sure to last a lifetime. “Extremadura, Buenas Noches” brings a unique way to explore our surroundings, combining leisure and learning under the skies of Extremadura.

Jornadas Astronomia. Don Benito. Extremadura, buenas noches


Science and astronomy for everyone from Don Benito.

Exhibitions 'Extremadura, Good Night': 'The KintHorizon. The Path of Curiosity' (Mercado de Abastos). Aim further. What happens when you want to', 'Relojes de Sol. Retos y desafíos en la Casa del Tiempo', 'Birding y Miradores Celestes', 'Los Retos del Astromeño' and 'Tierras y Estrellas en Extremadura 3D' (in the Casa de Cultura).

Mobile Planetarium (from 28th to 30th), in the Mercado de Abastos. Registration is required at the Tourist Office.

Chromosphere Observation: the Sun', with professional telescope, by the astronomer and EBN advisor, Gabino Muriel (27th December, Albercas Park, 13:00 h.).

Observation of the celestial vault': Chozos de la Finca Municipal Doña Blanca (27 December, 19:00 h.)


  • 'Solar and Astral Figures in Rock Art in Extremadura'. (Hipólito Collado Giraldo, head of the archaeology section of the Junta Ext. 27 Dec.).
  • Archaeoastronomy and Archaeology' (Santiago Guerra Millán. Archaeologist, Dir. Gral. Libraries, Archives and Cultural Heritage, Junta Ext. 28 Dec.).
  • Extremadura, good night. Initiation resources for observing the firmament' (Carlos J. Rodríguez Jiménez, expert collaborator of the strategy. 28 Dec.).
  • The first man on the Moon. Spain made it possible'. (José Manuel Grandela Durán (INTA-NASA) Telecommunications Engineer and former spacecraft controller engineer. 29 Dec.)
  • BSO (Trio Metal Orchestra of Extremadura will perform soundtracks from astronomy films. 29 Dec.)


From the 1st to the 4th of December, in the town of Castuera,we will be able to experience a "festival" that will delight everyone: Exhibitions, Astrotourism, Music, Routes, Excursions, gastronomy… Extremadura, buenas noches, following its dissemination work to bring science to the citizens in an accessible, didactic and enjoyable way, will participate with 5 exhibitions and Astrotourism workshops. Not to be missed!!!


Sundials // Extremadura, good night // Aiming further away
// Kinthorizon // Birding in the celestial viewpoints // XVII Photography Contest FIO 2022 INTERNATIONAL FAIR


- Planetarium: A journey into space without leaving Castuera. Visits to the Planetarium with an inverted dome guided by experts. The mascot ASTROMEÑO will be in charge of making the visits more dynamic for the youngest visitors.

- Observation of the Sun: take the opportunity to contemplate the solar chromosphere with the CORONADO solar telescope and with the expert commentary of a specialised astronomer.

- Lights out: Castuera turns off its lights for a great spectacle of observation of the celestial vault with the installation of THREE AUTOMATED TELESCOPES, one of which will project onto a GIANT SCREEN. The activity will be coordinated by three professional Astrotourism Guides and will include interpretative visits to the MIRADOR CELESTE in Castuera.


Discover everything you can do HERE


I Star Party (BROZAS)

On the 10th of December, in Brozas, you have an appointment at the I Star Party to be held in Brozas (Cáceres). The aim of this first Star Party is to value and disseminate the exceptional conditions of the Tajo Internacional territory for observing the sky.

In an informal and relaxed way, the aim is for participants to discover different aspects related to the knowledge of space, from solar observation, to the history of the stars, through introductory applications to astronomy, and ending with the observation of the night sky.

The speakers will be Gabino Muriel (scientific advisor to the strategy and "between holm oaks and stars"), Uxue Fabo (Guide to starry sky observation in urban and natural environments), José Manuel Facenda (astronomer) and Alejando Cristo(Dr. in Information Technology and Director of Himalaya Computing SL).


· Where: Brozas (Cáceres).
· When: 10 diciembre de 2022.
· Registration: I Star Party


ALL the information about the event here

Project TAEJO INTERNACIONAL REDE (0068_REDTI_4_E) 75% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 programme.  




The Directorate General for Tourism of the Regional Government of Extremadura is holding the 2nd Cross-border Conference on Astrophotography in Tajo Internacional on 19 and 20 November 2022..

This second day will continue to promote the observation of the sky in this area, on this occasion through astrophotography. This activity will highlight the importance of a transversal natural resource, the observation of the night sky, which is also complementary to the very important resources already promoted in the territory, such as those related to heritage, culture, nature and gastronomy.

The main objectives pursued by the celebration of this day are:

• To position the Tagus-Tejo International Cross-border Biosphere Reserve as an ideal destination for observing and photographing the night sky.

• To create a meeting point for astrophotography enthusiasts and to deepen their knowledge of the tourist possibilities offered by night sky observation in Tagus-Tajo Internacional.


· : Aimed at: nature photography and astrophotography enthusiasts.
· Where: Salorino (Cáceres).
· When: 19 and 20 November 2022.
· Duration: one and a half days.
· Capacity (prov.): 40 people.


Project TAEJO INTERNACIONAL REDE (0068_REDTI_4_E) 75% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 programme.




Balance y novedades de la estrategia regional Extremadura, buenas noches. Jornada+Talleres. Mérida, Escuela de Hostelería

Meeting of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen of the Star Tourism sector in a NEW EDITION of the WORKSHOPS: SKIES of EXTREMADURA. Balance and Strategic News.

If you are an entrepreneur,if you have a project in mind or you are working on it or if you ar an entrepreneur in the tourism sector have an appointment on 23rd September School of Hotel Management of Mérida.

What are we going to talk about? As on other occasions,Dr. Miquel Serra-Ricart, astronomer of the IAC and advisor of the Transversal Strategy of the night of the Junta de Extremadura, and his team will highlight the Extremaduran skies and the main products and services developed by the Junta de Extremadura and the EBN Strategy. Everything will take placein a workshop format (5 en total), with a duration of approximately 40 minutes each, with a theme that will awaken or increase interest in developing activities related to star tourism.

Not only that, but we will also take stock of these 7 years of the Strategy and we will tell you about the news and projects that are still to come and that will be of great interest to everyone.

To sign up you must fill in this form

If you want more information, please contact 




On 19 June, in Valverde de Burguillos, we turn off the lights.

The regional strategy "Extremadura, good night" will carry out a pioneering initiative such as a controlled blackout of an entire village in real time. The activity will take place on 19 June in Valverde de Burguillos, in the province of Badajoz, coinciding with the celebration of the summer solstice. The aim of this experience is to highlight the value of seeing the night sky or the stars without the effect of light pollution.

To enjoy the spectacle of the arrival of the solstice and this "controlled blackout", those interested can follow it live on the presented by Miquel Serra-Ricart, astronomer at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and coordinator of the Interreg-EU, so that the experience can be followed from anywhere in the world.

On the other hand, taking advantage of the occasion, from the 6th to the 19th a series of activities will be held in collaboration with the Town Council of Valverde de Burguillos.

16th to 19th June > Programmed exhibitions.
16th June (11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.) > Solar Chronosphere Observation.
19th June (10.00 to 14.00 / 16.00 to 20.00) > Mobile Planetarium.
19 June (21.45 ) > "Our solar system" by Dr. Miquel Serra-Ricart
19 June (22.15 ) > BSO. Brass trio Orchestra of Extremadura.
19 June (23.00 ) > Lights out. Observation of the starry sky.

: Valverde de Burguillos (BADAJOZ)
Date: 19 june 2022
ou can watch it live here:





El 19 de junio, desde valverde de Burguillos, apagamos las luces. Extremadura, buenas noches

Extremadura, good night: the path of curiosity.

From the regional strategy, Extremadura, buenas noches, we continue with the work of scientific dissemination in an entertaining and different way, with the capacity to attract and mobilise a greater number of public of all ages.

Thus, on 21 May 2022, at the Logrosán cultural centre, we will present a new celestial viewpoint accompanied by 2 publications in facsimile version of the famous KinetHórizon instrument by Roso de Luna and the short film "El camino de la curiosidad" (The path of curiosity).

The day will be rounded off with a performance by the Orquesta de Extremadura Brass Trio.

We leave you the links with all the information:


If you want more information, please contact 





The Provincial Council of Badajoz, through the Department of Rural Development and Sustainability, and in collaboration with "Extremadura Buenas Noches" and the Federation of Astronomical Associations of Spain, are organising "Light Pollution Week" to raise awareness of light pollution in order to promote and protect the starry sky through different activities scheduled during the week.

During the week, there will be exhibitions and activities for all audiences, such as workshops for children and young people on light pollution, a planetarium to discover the starry sky of Extremadura and a concert by the Brass Trio of the Orchestra of Extremadura will show visitors that artificial light is another agent that contributes to climate change and affects the environment.

The first of the conferences will be much more technical, aimed at professionals, and will take place on Friday from 09:00 to 14:30, under the title "Light pollution and local development", with the participation of public and private speakers. They will place special emphasis on the main lines in which the regulations on protection against light pollution are being developed, the actions that have been carried out in the region to contain it and the business opportunities derived from it.

The second will take place on Saturday, from 17:00 to 20:30, under the title "World Astronomy Day" and will seek to highlight the importance of containing light pollution in order to be able to enjoy astronomy.

Finally, on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th, two astronomical observations will be organised at the La Cocosa estate, with a free bus departing at 21:30 from El Hospital. This and the previous activities require prior registration.

+Information/registration: web del El Hospital Cento Vivo
: Provincial Hospital (BADAJOZ)
Date: 3 to 8 May 2022







From Extremadura, good night, we have prepared a new section that will help you to get to know better our celestial viewpoints and the environment where they are located. A 360º perspective that we are sure you will love, as you will not only have the (virtual) experience of visiting a viewpoint, but you will also be able to "move" and contemplate the sky as if you were there.

At the moment you will be able to visit the viewpoints of:

  • El Anillo
  • Fuentes de León
  • La Garganta
  • Monfragüe
  • Alconchel
  • Granadilla
  • Helechosa de los Montes

We will be adding more soon...



If you want more information about our viewpoints, you know, contact 





On the 18th of December, in the Hospedería "Hurdes Reales", Las Mestas (Cáceres), will take place an important training and familiarisation conference for those professionals or those interested in the development of activities related to Star Tourism.

The conference, organised by the Association for the Integral Development of the Region of Las Hurdes (ADIC) in collaboration with the Junta de Extremaduraand the strategy Extremadura, buenas noches, among others, will present the importance of star tourism as well as the positioning and resources of the regional strategy for the region.

On the other hand, the importance of astronomy as a tourist resource and the possibilities of the starry sky of Las Hurdes will be discussed. In addition, the conference will provide the opportunity to learn about business models focused on astro-tourism and experiential tourism, which is an excellent starting point to promote the region thanks to the use of our resources and natural spaces.

Finally, there will be an observation of the starry sky from the Hospedería itself, both with the naked eye and with automated telescopes.


Where: "HURDES REALES" guesthouse. Las Mestas (Cáceres)

Date: 18 December 2021.

Participants: professionals and those interested in star tourism.

Participants: 40 people (limited capacity)





Jornadas para profesionales o interesados en el turismo de estrellas. Las Hurdes, buenas noches. Extremadura, buenas noches
experiencias-astroturisticas-trasnfronterizas Extremadura, buenas noches


Interesting astro-tourist proposal that comes to us... 3 spectacular days full of Theatre, Guided Observations, Tales and Legends... that will take place in 3 different locations of our region:

  • Puebla de Alcocer y Galizuela
  • Olivenza-Juromeha
  • Reina

These conferences, belong to the actions organized by the Digital Transformation and Tourism Area framed within the Globaltur EUROACE project, (co-financed with ERDF funds under the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) at 75% and the Provincial Council of Badajoz at 25%), so the quality of the same promises to be spectacular.

Places are limited, so we leave you the dates to go running to register:

"The moon" (town of REINA). Registration from 23 to 26 November. The activity will take place on 27 November (Saturday).

"Starry night in La Raya" (town of Olivenza-Juromeha). Registration from 23 to 26 November. The activity will take place on 27 November (Saturday).

"Siberia fills up with stars". (town of Puebla de Alcocer y Galizuela). Registration from 30 November to 2 December. The activity will take place on 3 November (Friday).

Registration HERE

more information at or by phone 927 627 616. /  637702849





On the 22nd of September, at the Escuela de Hostelería de Mérida, after the success of the previous edition, a new edition of the workshops "Skies of Extremadura" will take place. These workshops are of great interest and are aimed at all those interested in the development of astronomical tourism activities. Organised by the Extremadura, buenas noches and in collaboration with the Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias, the workshops will have the following programme:

11.00/11.30.- Astrotourism in Extremadura. General Directorate of Tourism.

11.30/12.15.- Sky shows and their profitability in tourist activities. Dr. M. Serra-Ricart. (IAC)

12.15/13.00.- How to sell astronomy without falling into a black hole. Sr. Javier Parra. (Alared Web Solutions)

15.15/16.00.- The importance of protecting the treasure of the starry sky. light pollution. Dr. M. Serra-Ricart. IAC

16.00/16.45.- The promotion in social networks of activities related to the starry sky. Sra. Alejandra Rueda Moral.(Journalist EELabs. IAC)

16.45/17.30.- Introduction to astrophotography. Sr. Daniel Padrón. (Sky

17.00/18.00.- News and new actions of the Extremadura regional strategy, good night.

Where: School of Hotel and Catering, Mérida

Date: 22 September 2021.

Participants: for all audiences (limited capacity).

+INFO / Registration




nueva edicion talleres astroturismo extremadura, buenas noches


The province of Badajoz will host more than 10 astronomical observations with the aim of promoting and raising awareness of the importance of our starry skies as a tourist and economic resource for our region.

Organised by the Provincial Council of Badajoz, through the Rural Development and Sustainability Area and as part of the actions of the European project Globaltur_Euroace (Poctep), the observations will be made with the naked eye and telescopes, and will include thematic talks that will provide knowledge about the starry sky in a fun and entertaining way.

The activities will take place at the La Cocosa estate (19 August) and in the municipalities of La Roca de la Sierra (20 August), Helechosa de los Montes (27 August), Bodonal de la Sierra (28 August), el embarcadero de Villareal-Olivenza (3 de september), San Vicente de Alcántara (5 de september), La Coronada (7 de september), Salvaleón (10 de september), La Zarza (11 de september) y Reina (26 de september).

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and priority will be given to people/companies resident in the region where the activity takes place, eserving 50% of the places for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in the region (rural accommodation, travel agencies, activities in the natural environment...).







Take part in the FREE activities programmed for all audiences: Star observation and interpretation, tales and legends, night routes, the sounds of nature and many more adventures are waiting for you...

An active tourism programme to promote the night sky in the province of Cáceres. A unique opportunity to get to know the skies of the different territories with the help of 12 companies with specialised monitors and guides who will make us live and connect with nature and the Universe.

Observe and feel the greatness of the sky in the province of Cáceres in a fun and entertaining way. From 27th August to 9th October, theareas of Gata, Ambroz, Jerte, La Vera, Tajo Internacional, Geoparque, Las Hurdesand other territories will be visited.

All information and registrations can be made through the website of the Provincial Council.  Bookings will be made on a first come, first served basis  (they will open about ten days before each event), as places are limited and range between 30 and 50 per proposal.

Enjoy #AstroCáceres thanks to the Diputación de Cáceres.


Registration: ‘’. 




Concurso Extremadura, buenas noches. Gana un kit con #ConcursoExtremaduraBuenasNoches

#ExtremaduraBuenasNochesContest WIN AN EBN KIT

We invite you to participate in a new contest with which you can win an exclusive Book + Album of Chromos + Board Games and some surprises.... of the Extremadura Good Night Strategy. The month of August, with one of the most famous star showers such as the Perseids, the good weather, the holidays..... lends itself for you to share with us:

- A drawing about the constellations that you recognise in our celestial vault.
- A suggestive story related to the characters that accompany us in the starry skies.
- Your sensations in this suggestive experience of contemplating and enjoying the Night in Extremadura (aromas, sounds and stars).


Getting one of the 5 EBN Gift Kits is very easy. Share this publication on social networks (Instagram, Facebook or Twitter) and contribute one of the proposals we have mentioned above.

Don't forget to tag our accounts and add the hastag
#ConcursoExtremaduraBuenasNoches so that we can count your participation.

Until the 1st of September, the publications that receive the most likes will be the winners of the contest. The winners, who will be announced on the 8th of September, Extremadura Day, will receive these exclusive gifts 🙂






Do you want to enjoy the Perseids like never before?

During the 9th, 10th and 11th of August, by registration, you will be able to see the Perseidas from our celestial viewpoints while you enjoy a series of activities that will make you live a unique experience.


09 AUGUST - Finca La Cocosa (Sustainability and Environmental Education Training Centre, Badajoz)

10 AUGUST - Dehesa de Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres)

11 AUGUST - International Centre for Sports Innovation in the Natural Environment, El ANILLO (Granadilla, Cáceres).


Departures will be at 21.45  from Badajoz (for la Cocosa), Cáceres (for Arroyo de la Luz) and Plasencia (El Anillo).

· Reception and explanation of the activity.
· Live music by the Trio de Metales de la Orquesta de Extremadura, playing BSO from films and songs related to astronomy;

· Recognition of constellations with the naked eye using a laser pointer;
Observation of celestial objects in the deep sky through telescopes on a large screen;
· Stories and legends to interpret the sky.
· Direct observation through telescopes..
· Aperitif.




disfruta de las Perseidas 2021 desde nuestros miradores celestes. Extremadura, bunas noches


Can you imagine being able to conquer the dark starry skies from a cross-border territory linked by the largest lake in Western Europe?

Awaken your senses and fly through the firmament, observing galaxies, nebulae, stars... letting yourself be caught by the emotions in nights full of magic and soaking up the history and traditions of two cultures between towns, bordering villages, meadows, rivers, bridges and castles.

The Starlight Tourist Destination: Dark Sky Alqueva, has everything you need to marvel at the beauty of the Universe. A land without borders that treasures the darkness of the sky as a gift of nature that is worth preserving and enjoying.

You will live an unforgettable stellar experience from its celestial viewpoints, night-time trails, historic sites or surprising spots in the heart of nature, perfect locations for astro-tourism with the help of astronomy professionals with specialised equipment.





DOWNLOAD: cross-border astro-experiences catalogue





Can you imagine a 4x4 adventure in the Extremadura dehesa? And if we told you that now you can do it and also contemplate our celestial vault as you would never have thought possible, would you believe us?

Well, yes, the Cáceres Provincial Council has published an extensive guide full of this and many other activities and experiences to discover and enjoy our skies in a privileged environment. History, adventure, gastronomy... and much more in a catalogue that is the result of hard work for the creation of a Starry Sky Tourism Product and complementary activities to sky watching, framed within the GLOBALTUR project.

More than 28 activities combining water, land and sky that highlight the importance of our starry skies as a unique product for our region, not only from the point of view of knowledge, but also as a means for the development of the rural areas of Extremadura.. A real, open opportunity that generates new jobs and resources.




DOWNLOAD: astroexperiences catalogue





You have before you the possibility of accessing an instrument that will help you to determine your position as a human being on Earth in relation to the stars. The key to knowledge and reflection that will make you value and appreciate the starry skies of Extremadura directly, without the need to use telescopes or binoculars. Enjoy part of an experience full of sensations that only the night can offer.








The Department of Rural Development and Sustainability of the Provincial Council of Badajoz, as part of the actions of the European project "GLOBALTUR_EUROACE", invites you to the 1st Cross-border Congress on Light Pollution (CTCL), which will be held via streaming.

The CTCL will feature specialised presentations on national and international reference projects for the mitigation of light pollution and the conservation of spaces that are currently free of this type of pollution, protecting ecosystems, improving the health of citizens and their rest, and creating new tourism opportunities that generate new green employment niches based on green and circular economy.

The event is aimed at the actors involved in this task, such as municipal, provincial and regional representatives and technicians, professional lighting groups (engineers, architects, physicists, ...), as well as those actors in the tourism sector who will learn about the tourist resources associated with the night sky, and the general public who will learn first-hand about the effects of light pollution and the initiatives that are being carried out for the recovery of the environment with optimal lighting conditions. It is also aimed at all professionals in the Euroace Region (regions of Alentejo and Centro de Portugal and the Autonomous Community of Extremadura).


Date: 24 September.
Participants: 50 people (limited places).
Timetable: from 09.00 h. to 14.00 h. / from 16.30 h. to 19.00 h.





REGISTER and PARTICIPATE. On the weekend of 19 and 20 September we are waiting for you in Valencia de Alcantara (Tajo-Tejo Internacional, Cáceres) to take part in the 1st Astrophotography Conference.

The celebration of the 1st Cross-border Conference on Astrophotography in Tajo Internacional aims to promote the observation of the sky in this territory through an event that will deal with a specific subject related to astronomy: astrophotography.

This day will allow us to highlight a transversal natural resource, the observation of the night sky, which is also complementary to the very important resources that are already promoted in the area, such as those related to culture, nature, gastronomy and heritage.

The main objectives pursued by the celebration of this day are:

To position the Tagus-Tejo International Cross-border Biosphere Reserve as an ideal destination for night sky observation and photography.

To create a meeting point for professionals from the tourism sector operating in the area, public representatives and technicians from the municipalities, astrophotography enthusiasts and the general public to learn about the tourism possibilities offered by night sky observation in Tagus International.


Date: 19 and 20 September 2020.





In Action 1.3, within the framework of the European GLOBALTUR_EUROACE project, a series of dissemination and awareness-raising activities will be carried out to promote and protect the starry sky by means of stargazing with the naked eye and telescopes. It will also be used to disseminate knowledge about the starry sky and give recommendations to different social groups to improve the climate problem, raise awareness and raise awareness in a fun and entertaining way.



There will be an introductory talk about the solar system, the earth, the constellations that can be seen each year, the stars, recognition of constellations and stars with the naked eye, orientations without GPS, etc.

  • The explanations will be entertaining and fun.
  • Laser will be used for the explanations.
  • There will be a telescope observation of the visible objects.


Date: 4 September to 10 October 2020.






On 23rd September,at the Escuela de Hostelería de Mérida, there will be a series of workshops of great interestor all those interested in the development of astronomical tourism activities. Organised by the strategy Extremadura, buenas noches and in collaboration with the Canary Islands Astrophysical Institute , the conferences or workshops will have the following programme:

11.00/11.30.- Astrotourism in Extremadura. General Directorate of Tourism.

11.30/12.30.- Sky shows and their profitability in tourist activities.

12.30/13.30.- The promotion in social networks of activities related to the starry sky.

15.00/16.00.-The importance of protecting the treasure of the starry sky. light pollution.

16.00/17.00.- Introduction to Astrophotography.

17.00/18.00.- News and new actions of the regional strategy Extremadura, buenas noches


Where: School of Hotel and Catering, Mérida

Date: 23 September 2020.

Participants: for all audiences (limited capacity).

+INFO / Registration




COME to KNOW and ENJOY the first MESSIER MARATHON MESSIER EXTREMADURA MARATHON, BUENAS NOCHES 2020. On the 21st of March, at the CIJARA MÁGICO Recreational Estate, in La SIBERIA,there will be a multitude of of parallel activities for all audiencess on the occasion of the 1st Messier Marathon.Places are limited (100 people), so don't miss this unique opportunity to discover our skies and our region.


  • Exhibition Celestial Shows Under a Blanket of Stars.
  • Mobile Planetarium.
  • Observation of the photosphere and chromosphere of our star SOL.
  • Escape Room "Cassiopeia Mission".
  • Astromagic.
  • BSO BSO "Extremadura Buenas Noches" by the Metal Trio Orquesta de Extremadura.
  • Tales and Legends Under a Blanket of Stars.
  • Observation of the starry sky with automated telescopes.
  • Guided Tour of the Telescopes of participants in the I Maratón Messier.
  • Recognition of Constellations and Celestial Treasures with the naked eye.


Where: The Siberia of Extremadura

Place: CIJARA MÁGICO Recreational Estate.

Date: 21 March 2020.

Participants: 100 people (limited places).

Timetable: from 16.30 to 22.30.

+INFO / Registration:




TAKE PART in the first MESSIER MARATHON EXTREMADURA, BUENAS NOCHES 2020. On the 21st of March , at the CIJARA MÁGICO Recreational Estate in La SIBERIA a unique activity will take place. Aimed at a public with astronomical knowledge and materials, there will be an educational meeting as well as an observation, recording and photography marathonwhere the following categories will be awarded with gift vouchers for astronomical material worth 300€:

  • Highest number of Messier Objects viewed and recorded.
  • Best Night Photography of the Messier 2020 Marathon.
  • Highest number of photographs of Messier Objects taken at the event.

The marathon has a limited number of 50 places, and each participant must bring their own astronomical material for the Marathon. Each participant will receive a complimentary gift, accommodation and meals for the 21st of March (Saturday).


Where: La Siberia de Extremadura

Place: Finca de Recreo CIJARA MÁGICO, a village at the foot of the dam of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadiana.

Date: 21 March 2020.

Participants: 50 people (limited places).


From 11.00 h. to 14.00 h.: Training meeting in the classrooms of the settlement at the foot of the Cijara dam.

From 17.00 h. to 21.30 h.:Installation of instruments. Cijara Mágico Recreational Estate.

From 21.30 h.:  tart of the Messier '20 Marathon. Finca de Recreo Cijara Mágico.

+INFO / Registration: