Extremadura, buenas noches’ wins the Creative Spain Cup
We have won! Yes, you heard right, the regional strategy ‘Extremadura, buenas noches‘ has been the winner of the Creative Spain Cup that rewards and recognizes the most creative and innovative urban or territorial projects, whether economic, technological, cultural, social, environmental or territorial in Spain.
This Spain Cup, held between November 10 and 12, 2022, has had 18 finalist projects and hundreds of previous candidates from all over Spain, so it is an honor to have been the winners.
The jury of the Spain Cup was composed of 9 experts from different backgrounds and chaired by the Paralympic athlete and Princess of Asturias Award 2021, Teresa Perales, who presented and evaluated the 18 finalist projects. The winner was selected by popular vote, which is an even greater honor, because this project, as we have said many times, belongs to everyone and for everyone.
The prize, designed by Javier Mariscal, was awarded yesterday, November 12th, in a very exciting gala. Undoubtedly, in Extremadura we have great reasons to be proud and this recognition is one more, so it is necessary to thank all those who make it possible, from the regional and provincial administration itself as well as public agencies, photographers, astronomers, collaborators, entrepreneurs or Extremadurans themselves for their involvement.

Extremadura, Buenas Noches
The Strategy Extremadura, good night, launched in 2015 by the administrations, entrepreneurs and different entities, is a horizontal project of regional interest that brings together science and astronomy from a transversal point of view, integrating within the framework of the Green Economy and sustainable development and taking advantage of the natural advantages of our territory.
Since its inception, Extremadura, buenas noches has carried out specific and unique training that, together with the development of a series of its own products, has made possible the generation of new economic resources and opportunities for rural or less populated populations, favoring the emergence of new job opportunities and fixing population to the territory. In short, the strategic approach of Extremadura, buenas noches, together with its constant work, has favored a rapid implementation and growth in the territory, turning astronomical tourism in Extremadura into a national and international tourist and sectoral reference; a positioning that must be strengthened and internationalized in order to continue growing.
A clear example is how different companies from Extremadura are standing out nationally and internationally in the Star Tourism sector.
Extremadura has one of the darkest night skies in southern Europe, a fact that has been scientifically proven and certified. Its low population density and territorial distribution around small and medium-sized towns make this possible. In addition, its good climate, with no clouds most of the year, makes it possible to observe clear skies, making Extremadura a paradise for astronomy enthusiasts or for those who want to begin to contemplate the sky and discover the wonders of the firmament.
In Extremadura, the different administrations have been working for 7 years to put an end to light pollution with specific measures such as the approval by the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Extremadura (FEMPEX) of the Municipal Ordinance regulating outdoor lighting or the modification of the Environmental Protection Law to reinforce the rational use of energy, as well as promoting the consolidation of the Extremadura, good nights strategy in the Green Economy Strategy as a sustainable and integrating action within the whole.
Extremadura has been the first Autonomous Community to join the manifesto ‘Slowlight for sustainable public lighting’ with the Slowlight National Association, which works with the idea that well-designed public lighting is a resource of essential interest, contributing to improve the quality of life of citizens and the generation of safe environments. On November 25th the Extremadura strategy, Buenas Noches will give an inspirational conference at the Centro de Pensamiento y Networking in Lugo organized by the Spanish Lighting Committee.
This national recognition confirms that the Government of Extremadura, together with the Provincial Councils, REDEX and FEMEX, advocates for quality tourism and differential in our Community, with the desire that people come to our territory to live different experiences and sensations “see birds by day and stars at night”. The Creative Spain Cup, in reference to this regional strategy, confirms that this land is changing thanks to the fact that there are innovative proposals and creators who are doing different things and who are the true protagonists of the history that we are currently writing.